Monday, February 23, 2009
the perfect combo
Robert Pattinson
, a tuxedo, and total, unpretentious charm.
Quite the package.
Rob was a hit at the Oscars last night. Our friendly
vampire cleans up pretty good, doesn't he?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
gratitude list
My happy list, du jour.
1. rainy days
2. 4-day work weeks
3. continued
craziness (Rob Pattinson
presenting at the Oscars
?! The ONLY reason I'll be tuning in); I don't want it to end. Sick, I know.
4. continued
discussions with B and D
5. job security
6. hot coffee
7. a once again, healthy Aidan
8. friends & family (ALWAYS)
Glen Beck
10. paying off my car ... step one of 1,000 towards financial freedom
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