Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I've been feelin' kind of blue for a few months. No, things haven't gone exactly as planned, but the thing is, I'm still in the game. Life is still so very much worth relishing and breathing in deep. So I thought I'd take quick stock of all that I have.

My son. He's my sun, moon, stars ... and sticky, syrupy fingers ... he's a cranky, beastie of 2-year-old when he wakes up ... he's a singer of the "ACBs" song ... and pointer-outer of all letters and numbers he sees. He's the greatest gift I've ever been given, and I'm humbled every day.

My job. I'm able to work every day in the field in which I earned my degree ... in a school full of kids I adore, among peers who keep me sane and smiling.

Good wine. Pulling the cork from a beautiful bottle of liquid grapes, and taking that first deep breath of goodness never gets old. Thank God for Bogle, La Crema, Pascual Toso, and all my other current vino loves.

Good cheese. (see above ... to go with good wine). A chunk of Parmigiano Reggiano on a cracker, with spicy mango chutney is my current favorite. But who can resist a slice of stinky stilton? Or a good Danish bleu? And don't even get me started on a creamy Havarti. Delish.

My twin sister. Couldn't live without her.

Texas. I'm so blessed to live in this great state, among the finest people in the world. It never gets old. The more I travel and the farther away I go, the more I realize how much I love it.

My husband. I don't deserve him, even a little bit. I can't believe he puts up with me and loves me, despite all my madness. I can't wait to go through this quirky ride called life with him and see what else lies in store for us.

My Lord. Who through Him, all things are possible.

My VOE girls, B and N. One provides an ear I've grown to love and rely on (plus, she introduced me to Edward and Bella and all the other Twilight crew), and the other keeps me laughing. It's a damn good mix.

Bubble baths and candles. Not for romance. For ME. Time to soak and escape. Even for a little bit.

My family. Mom, Dad, Christine. I'm so lucky to live near them and be a part of their lives. I know I take them for granted.

Baseball and college football. One means summer, the other means fall. God, I so love them both. Especially in Aggieland.

A good book, soft sheets, and time to myself. It just doesn't get much better. Oh, wait. Yeah it does. See above.

Yeah, life is pretty darn good in my world. I'm blessed.

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