Monday, June 09, 2008

it's a cheap pink kind of day

I woke up this morning feeling like I needed some fluorescent pink in my life. So I got dressed, dropped Big A off at school for a few hours, and drove to CVS to make the ultimate PWT purchase -- cheap nailpolish.

I was looking for some neon cotton-candy/pepto-bismol type of shade for my finger nails. I'd actually love it on my toes too, but I don't have the heart to ruin my pricey French pedi from last weekend. So I'll have to settle on the fingers.
Wouldn't you know it! The more reputable" brands (if there is such a thing at a chain drugstore) didn't sell quite the shade I was looking for. So I had to settle on one of those displays at the end of the aisle. You know the ones ... they have glittery lip glosses, bright blue and green eye shadows, and wacky crappy nail colors. Low and behold, I found exactly what I was looking for!

So now I'm sporting "Pink Pop" by Milani Nail Art (I love how they try to make it sound classy) on my digits. I'm sure it'll chip by the end of the day, but whatever. It made me feel good for a while. And that is the ultimate goal, right?

Oh, and the picture I've provided in no way does it justice. It's much tackier with much more neon! Promise!

1 comment:

  1. First of all, what would summer be without some tacky pink nail polish and some jelly shoes? OK, so I still haven't found a pair of Jelly shoes in my size, now that I am in my mid 30's, but come on, a girl can dream can't she?

    I personally am one for the tackier the better...particularly in the summer.

    Good choice, my friend---that tackiness in the neon Orange is also a fave of mine in the summer! :)
