Tuesday, July 01, 2008

yippee! my boy loves books!

I think it's official ... Aidan loves books! And I love that he loves them.

Since he was an itty-bitty thing, we've read to him. Not because we were trying to force it on him, or attempting to mold him into an early prodigy, but rather because he loved it. He couldn't get enough of books, especially the DK My First board books. I blogged a few months ago about his love of Ant and Bee and the Rainbow (which is still a bedtime favorite). And now he's currently into anything about firetrucks, construction vehicles, letters, or numbers -- a typical boy. It's really a lot of fun to watch his interests change.

Today Aidan and I did some babysitting. We watched Aidan's cousin, Grant (my sister's 4-month-old son) for a few hours while his mom and dad were away. Grant was Aidan's first big visitor to his new house and bedroom, so he was anxious to show off all his toys and books.

The highlight of the day was watching Aidan "read" to Grant. He'd show him the pages in the way he's obviously used to experiencing read alouds being presented at school -- you know, where the book is held up so that the pages are visible to the audience. He pulled two books off his bookshelf to share with Grant -- his DK Firetrucks book, and, of course, Ant and Bee and the Rainbow.
It was awesome.


  1. Brings a tear to my eye. Clearly Aidan knows that the single most important thing he can do to prepare Grant for school (and help him to succeed) is to read to him every day. :)

    My boy.

    Long live Ant & Bee.

  2. Hee Hee! OMG, I love this post, too!!! You must come in and shop for some new truck books in the store! I'll be there tomorrow 'til 2ish and Thurs from 2-close. Aidan rules!! :)
