Thursday, September 11, 2008

hurricane ike

Here we go, Houston. It's time to hunker down.

It doesn't look like we're going to be able to dodge this one. The Houston/Galveston area is currently in the direct path for a very BIG hurricane, with landfall expected early Saturday morning. And I'll be honest ... it's pretty scary. The forecasts have become bleaker and bleaker for our area. Every time I turn the TV on, the news gets worse and storm seems to have taken even closer aim at us.

I've decided not to evacuate. I'm on the west side of Houston, and hoping that we'll be able to ride things out. I just don't want to brave the mass exodus out of the city, although we're still considering heading out to College Station at a moment's notice, if things change any more. Trying to move the dogs, Aidan, my mom, and all of our important possessions in a Honda Accord just isn't something I think we can do without Ty here (and where oh where is his big ol' truck when we need it?).

We've been compiling supplies all hurricane season this year, but it still puts a pit in my stomach as I second-guess myself and our readiness? Do we have enough water? Do we have enough batteries? Do we have enough lighting? How about communication with the outside world? I have Ty's crazy-fancy radio, but I've never used it. I've got my laptop and plan to take home my work laptop as well, for a back-up.

So here I sit in my classroom at 7:10 a.m. Thursday, watching the news and listening to the stern tones and warnings of city officials and the Mayor of Houston discussing a possible 18-foot storm surge.

God bless Texas and the city of Houston, and God keep us safe.

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