Sunday, April 19, 2009

"old school Republicans are scared shitless..."

Anyone who's followed my blog for a while knows that I love Meghan McCain. Her views are about as closely aligned to my own as just about any others that I've read or heard out in the "main stream" media.

Sometimes, it's tough for a white, protestant, socially liberal, fiscally conservative Republican girl to find much of a common ground with others ... well, Meghan is one of the few with whom I can identify. Time and again, I find myself saying, "AMEN!" to stuff of hers that I read.

Here's the latest slam dunk by my fellow "goes against the grain" Republican girl. Love her guts.

McCain, at one point, declared herself a proud member of the GOP. But her pot shots at the Republican Party and its flashier figures were not thinly veiled. Describing her public tiff with Ann Coulter as non-delicate, she went on to refer to the brash conservative talker as "overly partisan and divisive." Later in the speech she insisted that "most of our nation wants our nation to succeed" - a pretty clear dig at the now-infamous remarks of talk radio host Rush Limbaugh.

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