Wednesday, June 30, 2010

roadtrip, day 6

We made it.

I'll do some exploring in the next few days and blog about the area (the first of many entries, I'm sure), but my initial impressions are positive.

The town of Hampton where we'll be living is most definitely a popular tourist stop during the summer months (which we already knew). It was full of activity today as we passed through on our way to Portsmouth, NH, a town about 10 miles north where we'll be staying until the house is ready.

We drove by the house we've rented, and it looks exactly like the pictures we've seen of it. I'm looking forward to making it our own, complete with our stuff, our furniture, our pictures, and our family. I'm hoping it will help immensely, as far as providing that feeling of being more settled in and "at home."

The area is picturesque -- there are just no two ways about it. The houses are amazing. Many have the dates when they were built proudly displayed on plaques on the exterior. It's pretty breathtaking looking at homes that were originally built in the 1700s.

These old homes line narrow streets, and most fly American flags, just like you'd expect to see. Big hydrangea bushes are growing everywhere, completing the totally New England look of the area.

The temps are perfect (50s at night, high 70s during the day), and it's a festive time of year to arrive to the area.

So, let the exploring begin.


  1. I'm dying about the hydrangeas. They are my favorite flower and I've never seen them actually in the ground, blooming. Thanks for sharing. SO glad you're there.

  2. I'm so excited about exploring with you via the blog! We are coming to visit and that's a PROMISE!

  3. Are you channeling Ina, Martha, Joan, et. al yet ("That's SO [Boston/The Hamptons/New England"]?


    Looks lovely. They're damn lucky to have y'all.

    Give him besos.

  4. YAY you made it!! So happy for you! Check it out - Hampton has a soccer camp for ages 4-6 in 2 weeks:

    If they've got an opening might be a great way to meet other kids/families!
