Tuesday, September 14, 2010

perfect football food

We received a care package containing some Texas chili mix a few weeks ago from one of my besties back in Houston.

This past weekend was the perfect time and place to mix up a bowl of meaty goodness -- football on TV all weekend (ahhhh, it's the most wonderful time of the year), the Aggie flag flying proudly outside, and temps dropping more and more each week (highs in the 60s, lows at night in the 40s and 50s).

It's chili-time, y'all.


  1. Yum yum.

    Chili, cold beer, and football. Can't complain, huh?

  2. Hello :) You don't know me, but I'm a CG wife and I read your blog occasionally and have a question for you. Could you email me? JessicaRae21@ymail.com
