Wednesday, April 02, 2008

dread locks, blue eyes, and sparrows

As is usually the case on Tuesday evenings, I spent a good chunk of my time last night watching American Idol. The theme was Dolly Parton. Um, no thanks. I've been frustrated with the song choices this season, mainly because I've been frustrated with the themes. Of all of the options available in the whole wide world of music, I'm thinking that the AI producers could've come up with something better than Dollywood. She's sweet and everything, but come on.

On to blue eyes.

I'm still in the process of figuring out Jason Castro. He's an Aggie, so by nature of the maroon-blooded loyalty and clan-like devotion that all Aggies have for other Aggies, I automatically hope he succeeds. As for his music, I totally dig the laid back demeanor -- the whole "sittin' around the campfire barefoot with friends, strummin' the guitar" type of thing. But the last two weeks have been iffy for my Aggie boy -- his performances have been mediocre at best. So I was happy to see the old Jason back last night, even if the judges didn't give him a ton of love. We'll see. Go, Jason!

But my favorite last night (and all season) was, once again, David Cook. Despite the fact that he was singing about a little sparrow (and apparently sicker than a dog on his death bed), the dude rocked. I read this morning that he went to the hospital after the show, due to a rapid heart rate and high blood pressure. Get better soon, David. The show needs you and I need you. You're just now beginning to help me ease the lingering pain that's been a part of my Idol existence ever since America gave Chris Daughtry the boot.

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