Thursday, October 01, 2009

file this one under sad, but true

1 comment:

  1. You really should try to be a little more understanding. His wife is, after all, making a great 'sacrifice.' She and BFF, Oprah, *had* to fly over to Denmark on [gasp] a private jet, only to have to rub elbows with royalty. Oh, the humanity. Dear God, I hope everyone's hitting their knees in prayers of gratitude for these martyrs. They're trying to secure quite possibly the world's biggest boondoggle for their [criminal-infested] city of Chicago -- arguably the most corrupt [non-3rd World] locale on the planet.

    Make your case, Michelle. Do it, girl. THIS IS WHAT AMERICA WANTS/NEEDS.

    ** May God continue to bless our troops and their families. **
